Passport to Peace

'Round the world or just down the street, make peace with everyone you meet!

Welcome to Passport to Peace, an interactive Vacation Bible School curriculum designed to help children make peace a way of life. Peacemaking skills are essential for those who want to follow Jesus’ way of peace. The five Bible stories in this curriculum encourage children to listen to and learn from people who are different, care for people who are sick or suffering, creatively work to keep everyone safe, and refuse to respond to conflict with violence.

Through worship and drama, Bible study, art projects and active games, children learn that there are many opportunities and ways to live as peacemakers. Passport to Peace invites children to see every person as part of God’s family, and every interaction as an opportunity for peacemaking.

In a world that is too often divided by race, class, ethnicity, and country of origin, Passport to Peace is a reminder that the love of God and the way of peace transcend all borders and divisions. All are welcome in the family of God. Led by God’s Spirit, we can all participate in creating a more peaceful world.

Children in grades K–5 will see Bible stories come to life in the dramas during worship time, and will reflect on them during three response times: Bible Beach (Bible Study), Move-It Mountain (Physical Games), and Creator's Canyon (Art/Science).

Preschoolers ages 4–5 may participate in worship with the older children or have their own worship time. They too will share in the Bible story and engage in crafts, games, and other activities.

Daily Schedule

This theme provides content for five flexible sessions, from as short as one hour to over three hours each day. Scroll right to see all five days.


Can We Talk?

Do You See What I See?

I Have an Idea!

Trouble in the Neighborhood

The Road Less Traveled

Path to Peace Peacemakers listen to and learn from people who are different. Peacemakers notice the needs of others and seek to help. Peacemakers act creatively to keep everyone safe. Peacemakers respond to conflict without using violence. Peacemakers take action when people have been hurt.
Scripture Acts 8:26–40 Matthew 25:31–46 1 Samuel 25:1–35 Genesis 26:12–33 Luke 10:25–37
Story Summary Two men from different countries, races, social class, and religious backgrounds meet on the Jerusalem-Gaza road. Philip was sent there by an angel, while the Ethiopian official was traveling from Jerusalem back to his home country of Ethiopia. Philip and the official discuss the scriptures. Philip explains the good news about Jesus to him. The official asks to be baptized and Philip baptizes him. Jesus tells a parable of separating people like sheep and goats for judgment. The sheep are welcomed into the kingdom because they have cared for Jesus when he was hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick, and in prison. The sheep wonder when they have seen this. Jesus answers that whenever they care for the least of his brothers and sisters, they care for him. The goats are told that when they fail to care for others, they fail to care for Jesus. David and his men are hiding near the fields of Nabal, a rich and selfish man. David’s soldiers help protect Nabal’s flocks. Nabal insults David’s soldiers by excluding them from a feast. David calls for war. But Nabal’s wife, Abigail, quickly makes a plan. She loads food on her donkeys and goes out to speak to David. She apologizes for Nabal’s behavior. David accepts Abigail’s gifts and calls off the fighting. Isaac digs wells in a dry land. His crops and flocks prosper, but the neighbors grow jealous and fill up the wells. So Isaac moves away and digs new wells. The new neighbors also quarrel over the water, so Isaac moves again. God promises to be with Isaac and his family, and Isaac worships God. King Abimelech realizes God is with Isaac, and they feast together and promise not to hurt each other. A lawyer asks Jesus how to receive life with God. Jesus asks what the law says. The lawyer says to love God and one’s neighbor and then asks, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus tells a story about a robbed, wounded traveler. A priest and a Levite pass by without helping. But a Samaritan stops, takes the man to an inn to recover, and pays his bill. Jesus tells his listeners to go and do the same.


Affordable & Flexible
  • Available in download-only or physical + download kits.
  • Reproducible (with exception of student booklets and family music CDs/MP3s).
  • Physical leader guides are in a binder with tabs to make them easy to rearrange or duplicate.
  • Bulk-priced music can easily be sent home with every family.
Enthusiastically Catholic
  • Reflections from Pope Francis and other Catholic role models for peace.
  • Music from Oregon Catholic Press featuring Jesse Manibusan and other Catholic musicians.
  • A great all-around Scripture-based experience perfect for any parish!
Catchy, Meaningful Music
  • Hummable, top-notch, kid-friendly music that connects closely with the theme.
  • Easy to lead, with Powerpoints, sing-along music videos, and hand motions.
  • Songs by Jesse Manibusan and Steve Angrisano.
Comprehensive, but Simple
  • All the core features you expect in a VBS, without overwhelming complexity.
  • Earth-friendly, without plastic trinkets that will litter our common home.
  • Early childhood leader guide makes it easy to include preschoolers.
  • Easy to adapt to your timeframe and preferences.
An Ideal Theme
  • A message for this time of conflict and violence, both nearby and across the world.
  • A fun and effective way to help children experience Jesus and his message of peace.
  • Includes Scripture, prayer, drama, music, games, crafts, and activities, all nicely integrated.
And More...
  • Posters for each area, memory verses, promotion, and more.
  • Thoughtful take-home pages (in English and Spanish) to bring parents into the process and coach them on how to talk to their children.
  • Logo artwork to create your own t-shirts or promote the event.
  • Extra resources to help you market and manage your VBS.

Preview Leader Guides

Look inside the whole first day of each leader guide below. To preview full-screen, click the icon on the upper right of the preview.

Director Guide

Overview of the VBS and guidelines for orchestrating the process. Includes a planning chart, sample schedules, tips for working with staff/volunteers, forms, Bible backgrounds, snack ideas, guidelines for inviting children to faith, and more.

Early Childhood Leader Guide

Full guide for all aspects of VBS for younger children (ages 4-5). Makes suggestions for full daily schedules, including Bible sessions, activities, crafts, books, song/motion suggestions, and more.

Worship & Drama

Leader Guide

Full guide for leading Worship & Drama sessions for each day, including gathering (introducing theme, opening prayer, etc.), worshiping (prayer, songs, drama), responding (offering project), and sending (schedule review, blessing, and song)

Move-It Mountain

Active Games Leader Guide

Full guide for leading interactive activities & games each day, including advance preparation, session plan, material list, step-by-step instructions, and debrief.

Bible Beach

Bible Study Leader Guide

Full guide for leading Scripture response sessions for each day, including Biblical background information, materials list, advance preparation, session plan, and suggestions for teaching Bible memory verses.

Creator's Canyon

Art & Science Leader Guide

Full guide for leading craft sessions for each day, including Biblical background, materials list, advance preparation, and debrief.

Child Booklet Preview

Peace Passport

K-5 Child Booklet

Full-color 24-page 8½" x 11" activity booklet for grades K-5, including puzzles and other interactive activities. Purchase

Peace Express

Early Childhood Booklet

Full-color 16-page 8½" x 11" activity booklet for ages 4-5, including a retelling of the Bible story for each day, puzzles, and other interactive activities. Send this booklet home so parents can follow up with their children! Purchase

Music Video Previews

Catholic composer, singer/songwriter, storyteller, humorist, catechist, evangelizer and encourager Jesse Manibusan leads our music and offers many songs for this theme.

Book Jesse to perform live for your community!

Power of Peace
Jesse Manibusan
Jesse Manibusan
God Is Bigger
Jesse Manibusan
May Your Kingdom Come
Steve Angrisano
Our God Is Good
Josh Blakesley
Walking the Ways of Peace
Jesse Manibusan
Give Us Your Peace
Jesse Manibusan

Music Components

Both starter kits include:

  • MP3 audio files of all songs
  • Songbook with melody line scores, lyrics, and chords
  • Hand/body motions for all songs
  • Simple sing-along videos, showing the motions (stream or download)
  • Simple sing-along lyric presentations (Powerpoint)

The physical starter kit also includes:

  • Full access to the eResource (downloadable) starter kit
  • Printed songbook

In addition, purchase inexpensive bulk MP3 downloads/audio CDs to send home with families, so they can continue to sing the VBS songs!

Pricing & Purchase

Starter Kits

Downloadable Starter Kit Physical Starter Kit + Downloadable



All leader guides with permission to reproduce Online access Physical binder + online
Child booklets (early childhood & elementary) Online preview* Physical sample copies*
Posters Online access 1 copy each + online
Music audio Online access (MP3s)** Online access (MP3s)**
Music sing-along videos Online access Online access
Music files (lead sheets, motions, lyrics) Online access In binder + online

*Child booklets are not reproducible. If you choose to use these recommended components, please buy one copy for each child (see below).

**Music from starter kits may not be reproduced and distributed to participants and their families. If you wish to do so, please buy the very affordable bulk-priced audio CDs or MP3 download cards from us (see below).

Physical Add-On Options

USB Flash Drive
With all electronic files
$5 (with purchase of starter kit)


Purchase one of these full-color 8½ x 11" booklets for each participating child. They are referenced throughout the program.

Peace Express
Preschool Booklet (Ages 4-5)
Full-color 16-page 8½" x 11" activity booklet for ages 4-5, including a retelling of the Bible story for each day, puzzles, and other interactive activities. Send this booklet home so parents can follow up with their children!
Peace Passport
Elementary Booklet (Grades K-5)
Full-color 24-page 8½ x 11" activity booklet, including puzzles and other interactive activities.


One of each of these 11" x 17" posters is included in the physical starter kit, and you can reproduce them yourself from the electronic files. You can also purchase them from us, as shown below.

Invitation Poster
11" x 17"
Customize and post these posters around your parish or around town. (One copy included in physical starter kit.)
Early Childhood Area Poster
(One copy included in physical starter kit.)
Three Area Posters: Bible Beach, Creator's Canyon, and Move-It Mountain
Hang them above each of the key areas. (One copy of each included in physical starter kit.)
Peacemaking Wheel Poster
The Peacemaking Wheel is used in all the activity areas and in Early Childhood. The poster includes 16 peacemaking strategies for children to use during and after VBS. (One copy included in physical starter kit.)
K-5 Bible Memory Poster
Make it easy for children in grades K-5 to learn the Bible memory verses day-by-day. (One copy included in physical starter kit.)
Early Childhood Bible Memory Poster
Make it easy for children ages 4-5 to learn the Bible memory verse day-by-day. (One copy included in physical starter kit.)


Starter kits include access to all songs for leader preparation and use during your event. However, you can also purchase the below resources to send the music home with families!

MP3 Download Cards
Bulk-priced music to send home with families.
1-4: $8 • 5-9: $4 • 10+: $2.50 Purchase
Audio CDs
Bulk-priced music to send home with families.
1-4: $8 • 5-9: $4 • 10+: $2.50 Purchase
Music Videos DVD
The video files included in the starter kits will give you the highest resolution and quality if you can play them from a computer. Purchase a DVD if a DVD player is your only option.
$10 (with purchase of starter kit) Purchase
This program is a collaboration between The Pastoral Center and MennoMedia. Adapted and reprinted with permission from Passport to Peace. © 2022 Shine Curriculum, Harrisonburg, VA 22803. All rights reserved.